Athletics and Activities Bus Stops
Hester Activity Bus Stops
Approximate pick-up times. Students should be at their stop 5 minutes before.
Band/Chorus/Morning activity pick-up:
Belmont and Scott 6:55 a.m.
Scottt and Lesser 6:56
Gage and Atlantic 6:58
Edgington and Gage 7:02
Robinson Road and Birch 7:08
Elm and Walnut 7:11
Elm and Chestnut 7:12
Oak and Richard 7:15
Palmer and Gustav 7:20
Palmer and Atlantic 7:21
Atlantic and Fullerton (Pietrini School) 7:22
Elder and Richard 7:24
Arrival time at HJH is approximately 7:30 a.m.
All of the above stops are made in the PM, but the order may vary due to evening traffic flow.
This bus departs Hester in the PM no earlier than 4:25.
The PM bus is for students involved in athletics, clubs, homework center, 9th hour, and detention. It does not serve students staying for games.